AMI Montessori Sports Course
- No prerequisite courses: You do not need to rake any courses before this course
- Duration: max 3 months, 40 hours.
- Regular Fees: €497
- Format: Online (self-paced)
- Certificate: International AMI Montessori Certificate
- Language: This course is offered in English
- This course is also available in other languages
- An Arabic version of this course will be available soon
- Open for Registration!
Course Description
This 40-hour online AMI-certified course will provide you with basic knowledge on Montessori philosophy and how to use it while training children and adolescents in different Sports! It also helps Montessori educators to integrate sports into Montessori environments across all planes of development (all ages).
This is a self-paced course that you can do at your own pace and in your own time. You will need to complete the course within a maximum three months!
Course Topics
- Introduction
- Montessori education and sports
- The importance of sports in contemporary society
- Systems of sports education
- Movement across the planes of development
- Preparing the sports environment
- Role of the adult in the sports environment
- Conclusion and evaluation
Learning Outcomes
After you have completed this course you will:
- Understand the connection between sports and Montessori education across all planes of development (all ages).
- Understand how sports will contribute to overall child development across all planes of development (all ages).
- Have acquired basic sports skills to present to the children.
- Are able to prepare Montessori sports environments.
- Are able to guide Montessori sports sessions.
- Are able to conduct observations on children during the sports sessions.
This online course is accredited by AMI. Upon completion of the course, you will receive an AMI accredited Montessori Sports certificate. After you have received the certificate, you will be invited to attend a live graduation ceremony together with fellow Montessori Sports students.
Certification Requirements
Completing and uploading the required assignments after each chapter and the final assessment at the end of the course. All assignments need to be checked and approved by the Montessori Sports team. If the assignments are not approved, the participant needs to complete an alternative assignment that we will send by email.
Your final assignment is a presentation of a sports activity to a group of children or an individual child. You will also need to write a paper in which you explain how the Montessori theory applies to that activity.